• 24 Brand New Hours

    Waking up this morning, I smile.
    Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
    I vow to live fully in each moment
    and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.
    -Thich Nhat Hanh


  • Turmeric for sciatica pain


    Turmeric is a bright orange root used in Ayurveda. You can find it at health food stores.

    Turmeric is a bright orange root used in Ayurveda. You can find it at health food stores.

    Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and doesn’t have the side effects of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is also an excellent anti-oxidant and numerous studies have shown it’s anti-carcinogenic.

    Increase the anti-inflammatory benefits by combining black pepper with turmeric (or curcumin).  The most effective ratio of turmeric to black pepper is 4:1 (4 parts curcumin to 1 part black pepper).

    Check out the video on how to make Golden Milk with turmeric in my new Ayurvedic Hacks series, coming soon!

  • Optimize your happiness by living in the Now!

    Meditation benefits are innumerable.  Try it and see!

    Meditation benefits are innumerable. Try it and see!

    Optimize your happiness by living in the now. This groundbreaking study across 80 countries links the tendency to let the mind wander with unhappiness.

    The point of yoga is to still the mind. Regular yoga practice reduces pain and increases strength and flexibility so that the body can sit in meditation without the distraction of physical discomfort. Whether or not we choose meditation as the next step in our yoga practice, meditation really is the ultimate in stilling the mind and reducing stress.

    What’s your favorite benefit from yoga and/or meditation?


  • What is Yoga Therapy?

    Yoga Therapy is therapeutic yoga for transforming musculoskeletal pain, emotional and physical symptoms of autoimmune disease, injury rehabilitation, and the modern-day afflictions of anxiety, insomnia, addiction and depression.

    Yoga Therapy is also an excellent preventative medicine. It reduces stress and increases mindfulness, strength, flexibility, physical and emotional resilience.

    Sessions with Simone last about an hour and often incorporate adapted asanas (poses), pranayama (breath), props like blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps, and meditation. Ayurvedic counseling (food, herbs and lifestyle as medicine) may be included. Depending on client needs, yoga therapy is in the client’s home or in the Santa Monica wellness studio. It is typical to complete a yoga therapy session experiencing balance, bliss and a feeling of well-being.

  • More Content Coming Soon…

    Keep your eyes out for instructional videos, therapeutic yoga articles.

    Come back soon for help with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, back pain, depression, insomnia, and more..